By | February 11, 2014

UPDATE: This ASP.NET MVC tutorial initially targetting MVC3, MVC4 and MVC5 version. Now I have listed down features from next version of ASP.NET MVC6 (code name as ASP.NET vNext).

MVC ArchitectureMicrosoft has added exciting features in every new version of ASP.NET MVC that make developers more comfortable building scalable web applications easily. In this ASP.NET MVC tutorial, we will have a quick look into new and important features introduced in major versions of Microsoft ASP.NET MVC starting from MVC3 to MVC5 (the latest one so far).MVC3 Vs MVC4 Vs MVC5 Vs MVC6



  • New Project Templates having support for HTML 5 and CSS 3.
  • Improved Model validation.
  • Razor View Engine introduced with a bundle of new features.
  • Having support for Multiple View Engines i.e. Web Forms view engine, Razor or open source. You can follow here for a detailed comparison on difference between WebForm View Engine and Razor View Engine.
  • Controller improvements like ViewBag dynamic property and ActionResults Types etc. Dynamic property is a new feature introduced in C# 4.0. ViewBag being a dynamic property has an advantage over ViewData that it doesn’t require checking NULL values. For detailed difference between ViewBag and ViewData can be found here.
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript approach that actually separates the functionality from presentation layer on a web page.
  • Improved Dependency Injection with new IDependencyResolver.
  • Partial page output caching.
You are developing an ASP.NET MVC application that reads and writes data from a SQL Server database. You need to maintain data integrity in all situations that use transactions.

What option you choose?

  • A. ReadUncommitted
  • B. Repeatable
  • C. ReadCommitted
  • D. Serializable

To further test your ASP.NET MVC skill, Take a Complete FREE Online Test or MCSD Practice Exam: 70-486 (Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications). Simply Click Here.

 Correct Answer: C


  • ASP.NET Web API, a framework that simplifies the creation of HTTP services and serving a wide range of clients. Follow to create your first ASP.NET Web API service.
  • Adaptive rendering and other look-n-feel improvements to Default Project Templates.
  • A truly Empty Project Template.
  • Based on jQuery Mobile, new Mobile Project Template introduced.
  • Support for adding controller to other project folders also.
  • Task Support for Asynchronous Controllers.
  • Controlling Bundling and Minification through web.config.
  • Support for OAuth and OpenID logins using DotNetOpenAuth library.
  • Support for Windows Azure SDK 1.6 and new releases.
Are you going to appear for a Web Development Interview on ASP.NET, MVC, AJAX, HTML5, jQuery etc. Take these FREE Online Tests to see how you do…FREE Online Tests
  • Learn ASP NET MVC 5 step by step [Maruti Makwana, Corporate Trainer] 28 Lectures, 2.5 Hours Video, Intermediate Level
    Very easy to learn video series on Asp.Net MVC 5 Specially for those who are familiar with Asp.Net Web forms.
  • AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers [Brett Romero] 10 Lectures, 1 hour video, Intermediate Level
    The Fastest Way For .NET Developers To Add AngularJS To Their Resume
  • ASP.NET with Entity Framework from Scratch
    [Manzoor Ahmad, MCPD | MCT] 77 Lectures, 10 hour video, All Level
    Latest approach of web application development
  • Comprehensive ASP.NET MVC [3D BUZZ] 34 lectures, 14 Hours Video, All Levels
    From zero knowledge of ASP.NET to deploying a complete project to production.


  • ASP.NET Identity for authentication and identity management. Thesedays, modern applications are developed for broader range of clients such as web, mobile in mind. Also, users are actively using their social identities from various social channels like facebook, youtube, twitter etc. ASP.NET Identity is a new Membership system to handle authentication and authorization for variety of clients as well as using user’s existing social identities.
  • Authentication Filters for authenticating user by custom or third-party authentication provider.
  • With the help of Filter overrides, we can now override filters on a method or controller.
  • Bootstrap replaced the default MVC template.
  • Attribute Routing is now integrated into MVC5. Basically, MVC Routing is an excellent way to create human friendly and Search Engine Optimized URLs. You can easily get understanding about Routing in ASP.NET MVC here. Attribute based routing enables us to define routes along with action methods as follows:
  public ActionResult GetStudentById(string id)
           // code logic here.        
           return View();



  • Single Programming Model for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API.
  • Optimized for Cloud Computing.
  • Supporting side by side deployment of runtime and framework along with application.
  • Out of the box support for dependency injection.
  • vNext is Open Source and supports running on multiple platforms including Linux and Mac.
  • New JSON-based project Extension.
  • In order to dynamically compile code, Roslyn compiler is used.
    For details on new features in ASP.NET vNext, follow here.

More You Must Read about ASP.NET MVC & Related

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4 thoughts on “ASP.NET MVC3 Vs MVC4 Vs MVC5 Vs MVC6

  1. Zemien

    Very good summary of the changes over the years. It’s the most helpful article I found for planning my product upgrade MVC 3 to MVC 5.2.

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